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Healthy Snack Choices

Healthy Snack Choices


Product Description

Students can creatively color this fun organizer in preparation for labeling with healthy food choices (I also provide a food list for this organizer within this section). Using the healthy food choice list, discuss what would be the best choices for snack time and what would not be healthy choices. This actively can further be broken down into not healthy, okay choices, and best choices by color coding each selection. Students can then create a key to the side! For instance, pretzels may be an okay choice because of the low fat aspect, while fruit would be a best choice for its low fat and higher vitamin components.

This file is a Microsoft Word Template, meaning you can add content if you so wish, or just print. All documents are print ready, but be sure to check your preview section before printing to make any needed adjustments. All artwork files are copyright protected. It is strictly prohibited to distribute any digital files beyond personal use.


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